Cricket's leaders engage with Dublin based companies through ICC Global Leaders Academy

  • 22 cricket leaders; nine females

The ICC’s investment in developing game changing leaders across the world continued at the conclusion of the ICC Annual Conference, with the next stage of the ICC Global Leaders Academy (GLA) taking place in Dublin through two distinct programmes.

10 ‘Game Changers’, comprising Chairpersons, Presidents and Board Members from eight ICC Associate Members, were a part of the first programme. The inaugural Game Changers programme has been introduced as part of the ICC’s expansion of the Academy in 2018 to reach more leaders from across cricket’s broad membership. Representatives from Argentina, Bermuda, Korea, Malawi, Vanuatu, Rwanda, Spain and Sweden began the programme with a visit to Experience Gaelic Games to share knowledge from the incredible success story of an amateur sport which now has 1600 clubs across Ireland.

The group also met with World Rugby, Air BnB and Trinity College - brands which had been carefully handpicked, to help cricket’s leaders learn from outside the sport sphere on the two-day programme in Dublin. The focus on the agenda was for individuals to think differently and knowledge share to collectively help cricket grow across the world.

Following the ‘Game Changers’ programme, the 2018 ‘Trailblazers’ programme kicked off and featured twelve emerging leaders from nine Members, eight of whom were female. For 2018, the first three-day immersion took place in Dublin, with the second immersion to take place in Dubai in October. The group visited technology company Slack and met with the Marketing team of Dublin’s iconic Croke Park, as well as also visiting AirBnB, Trinity College and Experience Gaelic Games.

Katy Ritchie, National Programme Manager from the ECB said: “Having the opportunity to get away from business as usual, to stop and reflect was excellent. Spending three-days with like-minded people, who understand we are all working to the same purpose and to share those experiences was fantastic. I am inspired to think differently, a strong tradition resonates with cricket, I have been challenged in the way I think and am now looking forward to how we can progress.

“Having forward thinking people together, facing challenges, I am confident this group of people will take cricket to a much stronger place.”

Saad Janjua, Chief Operating Officer from the Singapore Cricket Association said: “I have learnt a lot, I would like to say thank you to the ICC. To have the whole group in one location, to understand the different approaches from across the cricket world with everyone sharing experience and expertise was crucial to help me learn new things. It was good to meet with successful organisations like Air BnB and Slack, that gives us lessons on how we can improve.”

Aida Abdul Razak, Marketing, Communication and Media for the Malaysian Cricket Association said: “Meeting everyone with so many ideas is wonderful, it means I don’t have to reinvent the wheel and I can learn from others. The biggest thing I have taken from this is to understand myself better, which will help me and my team back in Malaysia. Thank you to the ICC and the Malaysian Cricket Association for giving me this opportunity.”

Nikki Linney, Senior Legal Counsel from Cricket Australia said: “Me being a part of the Trailblazers will definitely help me and Cricket Australia. The network of people, the diverse experience and the support network, has made me inspired for the future.”

The Game Changers and Trailblazers programme are in addition to the Global Leaders Academy accelerator workshops that are being delivered for Members at each regional conference in 2018.