Mashrafe-Mortaza-Captain-Bangladesh-Post-Match-Press-Conference-02JUN19 _Moment

2 June - Oval - Bangladesh Captain Mashrafe Mortaza post-match press conference

Mashrafe-Mortaza-Captain-Bangladesh-Post-Match-Press-Conference-02JUN19 _Moment

Q. Would you call it a complete performance, and the fact that no one scored more than 78, does that make you happy as a captain that everyone contributed to the win?
MASHRAFE MORTAZA: Obviously. That's the team we are I think. When we contributed, each and everyone, each, mostly we win.

Yesterday I come here and told the same things that once our maximum players will step up, there's a good possibility to win the matches. So I think we've been very lucky and played so well.

Q. Shakib, how much of a difference has he made to the team since he started batting at three?
MASHRAFE MORTAZA: I think last year it's been started to bat at three, but unfortunately in the final, he got injured, and it takes around six months to come back. Once he's come back, a few matches he played at five.

Again, we thought that no experience -- he got the experience and make sure that in the top order that he's batted, he's more responsible and he can hold all the pressures and he can deliver at his best.

So that was the thought behind, and exactly he's spot on, and again, he needs the final and play the first match here, and he performed so well for the team.

Q. You've played in quite a few World Cups. Would you say that this is one of the best ever performances from a Bangladesh team?
MASHRAFE MORTAZA: Not really. I think played well a few matches in 2010, talking about, 2007, 2011 we played well a few matches. Especially if you're talking about a specific match, I don't think so it's the best one. But we played so well, especially in England. It's not easy for us in the condition, not giving us the favour which is very used to in home.

But again, I thought one of the best, one of the best performance to us, and we love to play the we played today.

I'm sure that it won't be happen every day, but that is the idea. I know love to play that way.

Q. Would you tell us a little bit about the difference that Neil McKenzie has made to the batting lineup and in terms of playing against South Africa?
MASHRAFE MORTAZA: He's amazing. He's helping our batters so well last eight -- I think more than eight months, he's been working with us. I wouldn't say only Neil. I think our whole management part is so well. They are working hard with the boys.

We knew that the big tournament is coming, World Cup, and we are starting World Cup six months behind. I don't think so after one match, we should be so happy that we could manage to deliver that our best.

So still, a few areas we can improve and hopefully we'll move on from here. Especially, you know, once we have the momentum, we love to keep it going, and as you said, Neil is working so hard for us, and hopefully he will stay with us for a long time.

Q. Just want to know from you, your middle order, it is one of the most experienced batting lineup in this competition. Do you think going forward in this tournament, this is Bangladesh's biggest strength, your middle order experienced batsmen that you have?
MASHRAFE MORTAZA: Yeah, hundred per cent. That is the best we have. I always said, like if you look the experience, I have Tamim and Shakib batting at three, Mushfiqur comes back at four -- batting at six for the depth; and the middle -- batting so well for us and even started slow today, and Soumya, he's coming out with -- something out the box. So it's really I think us and obviously No. 7 is always we are keep changing with Mosa and Mushfiqur and Sabbir Rahman.

I think really, it's a heavy batting lineup I think, and obviously I should say, I'm proud of Mushi and Miraz (ph), they are fasting and played at their best today.

Q. Given the strengths of your spinners and the fact that it was the second time this pitch has been used, you must have been very happy to have been sent in to bat.
MASHRAFE MORTAZA: To be honest, as a team, we have been so -- half an hour spending team in fielder, we should bat. Normally England, we get a wicket moving a bit, so end of the day, now I expecting that best idea is to losing the toss. So luckily I lose the toss, and they are giving us batting.

Again, I said that it has been a used wicket, so you never know what happened, and it was good to bat first, and then later, the spinners played their big role. Always they coming back into the bowling and they built a good wicket. So it's been really great performance by the spinner, and obviously finished up with Mustafizur and Mossadek.

Q. Do you think that this all-around performance is the one that will change the perception of Bangladesh being a team that will deliver upsets to one that it's a genuine title contender?
MASHRAFE MORTAZA: Yeah, meaning that was upset?

Q. No, no, I'm saying in the past, perception may have been. Is this the time it will change?
MASHRAFE MORTAZA: 100 per cent. It does depend. Can't comment anything about it. It depend on particular person, how he think about it.

So we are concentrating on our game; that we can deliver -- if we can deliver our best. We knew that, you know, in that stage it's going to be very difficult for us. So we are concentrating on our own games and let's people talk whatever they wants to. If they are not happy with us, obviously they will talk something wrong; something that which is not going for us.

So we shouldn't think about it. Just keep concentrating on our own game, and I'm sure that there's not much people who is great friend of our cricket, so I think, you know, we should -- as I said, we should concentrate on our own game.

Hopefully this contest will keep going. Sometimes it's bowlers will keep swinging, so hopefully we'll continue with good work. Obviously it's not going to be successful every day, but I hope that he'll keep his consistency going on.