
26 March - Christchurch - New Zealand Captain Sophie Devine post-match press conference


Reporter: Just looking at today we saw the 2000 World Cup winners recognized in the innings break and you are a lot of the team have talked about how much of a legacy that they have given to you and what would you hope that your side's legacy can be in this tournaments legacy?

Sophie: Oh, look, I think yeah, I guess you saw it today hopefully with the amount of young kids not just young girls but young boys as well, watching the game. It's certainly something that we've spoken about as a group before this tournament was that we want to inspire that next generation and absolutely, we can go out there and scream from the top of the hills, but for us playing a good brand of cricket and doing it with a smile on our face. I think that's what's going to attract new fans young and old and it was really nice to see a packed embankment over there. It’s a beautiful cricket ground and to see it filled up with plenty of fans there, it certainly makes me extremely proud and as well to have the 2000 winning World Cup acknowledged too, its obviously - both played a massive role I guess in laying the foundation for where we are today.

Reporter: And obviously you would have liked to have been back here in a week's time but is a way to go out a century for Susie Bates and a fiver for Hannah Rowe isn't too bad?

Sophie: Look it isn’t and we spoke at length about this being our final, unfortunately it's not the final we wanted but I couldn't be happier for Sue's. She's just a top class player and a top class mate as well. So to see her chuck on the run there today was outstanding and Rowe with the ball. I thought, she probably struggled up front early, but the way that she came back, I think that shows a lot of heart and character from this whole group. We've obviously been on the wrong side of a couple of results, but the way that we've fought throughout this tournament, absolutely. We want results to go the other way but the heart and character I hope everyone sees it, we've played with absolutely everything we've got.

Reporter: I'm not sure how much we'll be able to say but we saw Katie Martin pretty emotional at the anthem a she had a good performance recently, late runs and then a couple of catches just a word on her in the team but also what she's given to the white fins in the past 18 years?

Sophie: She's been great, she obviously boosted up the average age as well for the last couple of years. But I think not just Katie but a lot of us players had a really emotional time playing a Home World Cup. We know it's probably not going to happen again. So there's probably a few emotions obviously Marty can't keep her emotions in check. Which is her to a T and that's why we absolutely love her. But look, I don't think anyone's going to be making any decisions now - it was a really special performance there not only from Susie and Hannah, but that Marty and a lot of people contributed in different ways.

Reporter: Sophie what was it like for you seeing Suzie bring up the milestone today - 5000 runs joining that group of players, given what she's done for NZ over the years and what does it mean to you seeing her do that?

Sophie: I think it was probably quite symbolic that you had the 2000 World Cup players there. I saw Debbie Hoakley on the sideline and I don't think I say this lightly but Suzie Bates is going to be one of our greatest every players produced from New Zealand and I've just had a front row seat for most of my career and I think the greatest thing about Suzie is absolutely she's a world class player but she's just a bloody good human and the way that she inspired other people and even now, she's like a young kid out there, I think you probably saw her running around and joking with everyone - her energy is infectious and I think that's probably something that I'm most proud of not just I guess the runs that she scored.

Reporter: What most appreciate about Hannah Rowes bowling – is that what you need going forward some of these younger players to step up like she did today, but more consistently

Sophie: Yeah absolutely. I think especially with Leah Tahuhu missing and that senior role, but Hanna has been in the side for a number of years now and we know what she's capable of, and it was awesome. I think like I said just earlier, the fight to come back – she obviously went early on in her spells but to come back and trust the processes I think that this group is getting a lot better at and we're going to have to keep getting better at it if we're going to want to, I guess contest World Cup and big Pinnacle events, but Hannah's has been awesome this tournament, I think she's stood up in a number of games, and it's really pleasing for us.

Reporter: I know you were just saying before, a for r bit too early for retirement - hopefully we can sort of keep the bulk of the group together for come off games leading into the tournament in July.

Sophie: I certainly hope so. I think yeah, as I mentioned, I'm sure everyone will take some time away. It's obviously been a pretty full on last sort of six to 12 months leading into this World Cup. But yeah, I certainly I'm really hopeful that we'll keep most of the group together, heading on to what's going to be a pretty unique opportunity at the Commonwealth Games.

Reporter: And Bob’s contracts expired and you've obviously been around him and what he's brought to the group, do you feel he’s the right person to lead the team going forward.

Sophie: Look, I think Bob has been fantastic for this group. I know that there'll be a process that will be followed by New Zealand cricket and whether he's the right man, I guess that’ll be decided, but what he's offered this group has been outstanding. I think we've seen - the results might not have gone our way, but we're seeing players coming through and starting to have a lot more consistency with their performances.

Reporter: Are you keen to stay on and keep captaining the side in both formats going forward?

Sophie: Look, I think it's probably too early to say at this stage. I certainly need to take some time away and just reflect, I'm certainly really passionate about this team and I feel like we're in a really good space. Obviously, results haven't gone our way but I've just got so much love and I feel like I've still got more to give to this group. So I don't want to make any decisions at the moment. But I still feel like I've got a bit left in the tank.

Reporter: Obviously there's going to be a lot of reviewing and picking over this one day campaign. But the twist is that the next two maybe tournament you’ve got are 20-20s how tricky is that sort of get your head around, that sort of shifting focus between one day and T20 and back to one day again?

Sophie: Yeah, I guess we're probably pretty used to it. I think, because we don't play test cricket. We've only got the two formats, the two white ball formats to have to continue with – but I think as a group, we're pretty good at adapting and changing over pretty quickly. Obviously now we get a bit of time off and then going into the Commonwealth Games, which is going to be pretty full on by all accounts with the way that the schedule is formatted. So I think this group is really well suited to obviously transitioning. We obviously had one T20 against India early this summer. So I'd back the girls to make that transition quickly.

Reporter: My question is - I asked you this question before the tournament started that what it would mean for New Zealand to host this tournament, world class tournament. And now we have seen that the hosting thing was a perfect part of it. And after almost the lead stage is over - how do you reflect on the tournament as a whole?

Sophie: Yeah, look, I think if you put our results aside, I've been so impressed with the standard of competition. And I've said it earlier, I think the quality of the wickets have played a massive part in that, I think the run scoring has been a real feature of this World Cup and I'm excited to see what the next couple of games holds. But I think it's been a fantastic tournament obviously, I'm pretty biased but I think the way that the country has got in behind, great news now that obviously capacity is fully open. So great crowd out there today. And I really urge any Kiwis or anyone out there to get along to the remaining games because it's a once in a lifetime opportunity to have a 50 over World Cup here in New Zealand but I'm just so proud of the way that we've been able to show to the world.

Reporter: Just wanted to look back, before the home season started New Zealand obviously did not have a lot of results going their way. But given the way your team played through this World Cup, obviously there are a lot of ifs and buts but almost every game went into the last over, the results that didn't go your way. You were fighting till the last possible moment and how do you look at the way the team played so far? Looking back, obviously it's too early but still top of the head what did you have to say to the team before this match? And how did you look at the journey so far with this team? How you gave it all out there?

Sophie: I think we've spoken about this game being our final which unfortunately isn't the final that we wanted to play in but there's still a lot to play for, for us obviously pride and wanting to put out a good performance for a huge crowd here at Hagley which is unfortunately going to be our last game – but yeah you mentioned that there are a lot of tight games here that didn't go our way but the fight that we showed and I think back to the England game and if I'm being honest, couple of years ago we might have folded and not even got close but to take it to the near the last over with one wicket in hand I think it just shows the character and the heart that this group has got and I think it's only going to get better as time goes on and more opportunities. So I'm really excited about where this groups hitting.

Reporter: My question to you is, I mean, you've spoken enough about New Zealand and the tournament and reflecting and all that. I just wanted to look ahead as a cricket fan to the semifinals and how do you see that panning out? What are your expectations and do you think it's absolutely important for someone to find a way past Australia?

Sophie: Oh, look, I think Australia are certainly beatable. I mean, they've been playing some pretty outstanding cricket but everyone knows that. I think South Africa have been a real threat we know with the new ball, what they bring and with the bat Laura Wolvaardt has been outstanding. So I think yeah, whoever makes the top four - cause obviously it's all still to play for tomorrow, which is going to be really exciting and to me as to why this competition has been one of the best to see, that it's gone down to the last day of the round robin competition to find out who's going to be in those semifinals, is really exciting. And I know whatever happens that if the wickets keep getting produced like they have been around the country that is going to be a fantastic showcase for the woman's event.

Reporter: You have been part of women's T20 Challenge exhibition games in India. And now BCCI has proposed a 6 team Women's IPL for 2023. So what are your thoughts on having a full-fledged tournament which could I guess, develop women's cricket globally given the impact of men's IPL has been unmatched?

Sophie: I think it's a really exciting prospect. I think we've seen it with the WBBL even, the KSL and the Hundred over in England what it’s done for women's cricket has been outstanding and we've all said that soon as there's a woman's IPL I think, cricket around the world absolutely going to take off and I'm really excited to hear that - I think it's been a long time coming and fingers crossed I can be involved in such a tournament. I just think it's fantastic. I think the more opportunities that female cricketers can get to play around the world the better because I think you're starting to see now the standard of the game is improving around the world.

Reporter: If I could just ask you to pick a moment that you would say is your favorite from this tournament. What would that be?

Sophie: I think the performance against India I thought was outstanding. I think it's probably been our closest to a complete performance of the team with the bat and the ball and the energy from the crowd that night and yeah, I thought the way that we bounced back, obviously from the West Indies game as well that was certainly a highlight for me and I guess it shows what we're capable of when we can get it right

Reporter: My question is - You mentioned about taking some time off to reflect and you'll not be making any calls anytime soon. I just wanted to figure out from you, personally speaking, will playing in an IPL be part of that planning?

Sophie: Certainly if the opportunity comes, I think. yeah, as I mentioned, I think for me as a cricketer, it's certainly a really exciting challenge to be able to go over and play in different leagues and different conditions and to mix and mingle with different cultures and different teammates. It's certainly something that excites me. But yeah, as I mentioned, I'm going to take some time to just sit back and reflect on what's been a pretty full on six to 12 months. But it's exciting to hear that if there is a woman's IPL up and running that yeah I’ll certainly think about hitting the rank.

Reporter: My question is, what was the message like for the team just before today's match started and what was said in the team meetings before today's match, especially?

Sophie: I think Bob was really clear that he wanted this to be played like a final obviously, it's our last game here and we want to go out with a performance that we could be proud of and we certainly wanted to enjoy the occasion obviously - the tournament is ending probably a little bit sooner than we would have liked. But I think we've got to reflect and be really grateful for the opportunity to be here. We had a great crowd here. Today was a brilliant day for cricket, with the sun shining. So we certainly just wanted to let that up and spin that last bit of time together as a group.