Alert Notices
Cricket, across all formats, is under constant threat from individuals seeking to corrupt the game. As the ICC continues to receive reports and conduct investigations, the anti-corruption team identifies themes and new techniques used by corrupters. This valuable information is then communicated to teams through education briefings and to the wider participants by way of alert notices. Aiming to reach as many participants in cricket as possible, the notices are sent to all ICC Members via our Domestic Anti-Corruption Units, and ICC regional development teams. Notices that feature a Person of Interest (POI), also have the potential to disrupt future approaches and curtail attempts at corruption, as participants distance themselves from the featured POIs in these notices.
Below is a snapshot of some of the topics included in past alert notices.
- Corrupters using fake social media pages to engage with participants and make corrupt approaches. The approaches are often from someone with a generic name, purporting to be part of a franchise league with offers of trips to Dubai. Once the player engages and shows their interest, they make the corrupt approach.
- Corrupters using social media video platforms as an attempt to legitimise their brands. They do this by paying players to do personalised ‘shoutouts’ and uploading them to their Instagram, giving the allusion they know each other.
- Dinesh Talwar is a prolific corrupter who has been involved in various attempts to solicit cricket players to engage in corrupt conduct, in return for payment. In 2022 he was issued with an Exclusion Order by the ICC, meaning he is excluded indefinitely from participating in any capacity from all forms of cricket. An alert notice was prepared and sent out to all participants, warning them of Dinesh Talwar and his current exclusion.
The ICC anti-corruption team is committed to identifying new trends and practices adopted by corrupters and sharing this valuable insight via alert notices with its wider Membership. Members are requested to further share these notices with all participants to ensure they have the desired impact in disrupting attempts to corrupt cricket. If you would like to know more about alert notices, please get in contact with the ICC ACU.