Kyle Jamieson

Batsman-turned-bowler Kyle Jamieson feels he's only getting started

Kyle Jamieson

The 25-year-old Jamieson played as a batsman in his younger days, and it wasn't until he met the then New Zealand U19 coach Dayle Hadlee that he was asked to seriously consider focusing on fast bowling as a primary skill.

"I was pretty much a batter all through high school and then made the New Zealand U-19s, and Dayle Hadlee got a hold of me and told me to run in, which kind of shifted me towards becoming more of a bowler," Jamieson said. "I always liked batting, it was probably what I grew up admiring the most - whilst I did bowl, I did not think of that as my career option growing up. Now I'm a bowler who can bat, trying to get to the allrounder stage, that's where I ideally want to be."

While Jamieson impressed with his bounce and ability to extract movement in the first innings of the Wellington Test against India, where he picked up four wickets, Jamieson feels there is scope for improvement in the speed department. Jamieson operated in the 130-135 kmph range, and will be a lot more threatening proposition for batsmen if he is able to generate more steam.

"Yeah, for sure [looking to add pace]," he said. "I'm still a long way off [from] where I want to be as a bowler and as a cricketer. The stuff that I started to work on with Auckland, with Heinrich [Malan], I think in the next year or so, I'm going to make massive strides."

With Neil Wagner set to return to the mix after missing the first Test due to the birth of his first child, Jamieson is no certainty to play the second game at Christchurch's Hagley Oval. But, if given the chance, Jamieson would love to return to the dressing room where he spent his initial years as a domestic cricketer with Canterbury before making the move to Auckland.

"I spent five or six years down there, pretty familiar with the ground. It's always going to be special, it played such a big part in the start of my journey, it will be nice to be back in that changeroom."

Kyle Jamieson 12/30/1994