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It is important that Participants know their Anti-Corruption Code responsibilities; ignorance is not a defence. While the ICC Anti-Corruption Code provides specific detail of offences and potential sanctions, the consequences of breaching the Code extend far beyond the potential charges and sanctions that may follow.

Involvement in cricket corruption or other breaches of the Code which can result in a ban and even financial penalties can result in the loss of your career - obviously impacting on your income and future earning potential. This includes sponsorship opportunities or other business activities, e.g. cricket academies, coaching offers, or commentating opportunities. Once convicted of an offence under the Anti-Corruption Code, these opportunities are unlikely to come your way. It will also impact your reputation, your friendships, and whether people can trust and respect you. Further, the sporting ban you get might be a lifetime ban, meaning you will be banned from ever taking part in cricket again. Finally, in some countries where corruption in sport is a criminal offence, you risk criminal charges and possible jail time.

While you can lose respect, trust, income and your career, as well as your ability to be involved in the sport you love, unfortunately sometimes those involved in getting you to fix, who make a lot of money from fixing in the game, often remain unaffected.

Despite the ICC ACU taking a proactive stance to investigate and disrupt outsiders who attempt to corrupt the game, ultimately these outsiders are not subjected to the same rules and sanctions as you, and the potential for criminal charges is slim as they may reside in countries where fixing is not a crime, or pursuing such charges is not priority for law enforcement.

At the end of the day, ask yourself, “Is it worth the risk?" In all likelihood, you will be caught and lose your career, reputation, sponsors, friends, team and self-respect.

Summary of Consequences:

  • Sporting sanctions – namely a ban from participation in the sport
  • Financial penalties.
  • Loss of career in cricket – the game you love
  • Loss of income
  • Loss of sponsorship
  • Criminal convictions
  • Loss of trust and respect from friends, family, your teammates… your fans
  • Loss of future career opportunities in cricket
  • Loss of your reputation.