
Men's Test Match Appendix A Definitions 7: Fielders

7.1. Fielding side is the side currently fielding, whether or not play is in progress.

7.2. Member of the fielding side is one of the players nominated by the captain of the fielding side, or any authorised replacement or substitute for such nominated player.

7.3. Fielder is one of the 11 or fewer players who together represent the fielding side on the field of play. This definition includes not only both the bowler and the wicket-keeper but also nominated players who are legitimately on the field of play, together with players legitimately acting as substitutes for absent nominated players. It excludes any nominated player who is absent from the field of play, or who has been absent from the field of play and who has not yet obtained the umpire’s permission to return.

A player going briefly outside the boundary in the course of discharging his/her duties as a fielder is not absent from the field of play nor, for the purposes of clause 24.2 (Fielder absent or leaving the field of play), is he/she to be regarded as having left the field of play.