
Men's Test Match Clause 4: The Ball

The Ball

  • 4.1. Weight and sizeThe ball, when new, shall weigh not less than 5.5 ounces/155.9 g, nor more than 5.75 ounces/163 g, and shall measure not less than 8.81 in/22.4 cm, nor more than 9 in/22.9 cm in circumference.
  • 4.2. Approval and control of balls
    • 4.2.1. The Home Board shall provide cricket balls of an approved standard for Test cricket and spare used balls for changing during a match, which shall also be of the same brand. Note: The Home Board shall be required to advise the Visiting Board of the brand of ball to be used in the match(es) at least 30 days prior to the start of the match(es). However, for day-night Test matches, the precise brand, type and colour of ball shall be subject to prior approval of the visiting Board.
    • 4.2.2. The fielding captain or his nominee may select the ball with which he wishes to bowl from the supply provided by the Home Board. The fourth umpire shall take a box containing at least 6 new balls to the dressing room and supervise the selection of the ball
    • 4.2.3. The umpires shall retain possession of the match ball(s) throughout the duration of the match when play is not actually taking place.
    • 4.2.4. During play umpires shall periodically and irregularly inspect the condition of the ball and shall retain possession of it at the fall of a wicket, a drinks interval, or any other disruption in play.
  • 4.3. New ballA new ball shall be used at the start of each innings.
  • 4.4. New ball available after 80 oversThe captain of the fielding side may demand a new ball when the number of overs, excluding any part overs, bowled with the old one is equal to or greater than 80 overs. The umpire shall inform the other umpire and indicate to the batsmen and the scorers whenever a new ball is taken into play.
  • 4.5. Ball lost or becoming unfit for playIf, during play, the ball cannot be found or recovered or the umpires agree that it has become unfit for play through normal use, the umpires shall replace it with a ball which has had wear comparable with that which the previous ball had received before the need for its replacement. When the ball is replaced, the umpires shall inform the batsmen and the fielding captain.

However, if the ball needs to be replaced after 110 overs for any of the reasons above, it shall be replaced by a new ball. If the ball is to be replaced, the umpires shall inform the batsmen, the fielding captain and the scorers.