26496 Mike Kinder

Mike Kinder receives his ECB Sky Sports Coach Award

26496 Mike Kinder

The ECB Sky Sports Coach Awards this year awarded Mike Kinder of Guernsey Cricket Association with the Outstanding Contribution and Services to Cricket Coaching Award for his dedication to the development of cricket.

In his early years he set up the Sheffield Boys Cricket Scheme, where he was posted as Master in Charge of Cricket at Elizabeth College, a post which is still held 26 years later, Kinder describes his early days; "I can still remember the first steps, coaching in a Sports Hall with several nets, on my own, and little knowledge. How things have changed," says Kinder.

He also held the post of ECB Cricket Development Officer for five years; before he set up the Guernsey Association of Cricket Coaches in 1984; which included the responsibility of organising the Guernsey Cricket Coaching Scheme, which he ran for over 20 years.

"The ECB has not only provided the quality services but also coaching resources and a vision. Coaches are so much better prepared now and I feel proud to be part of this process. Whilst it is easy to push change aside, this is not the case in coaching and we must recognize how we can plan, structure and understand the coaching process. When this is there, coaches can also enjoy their work, and if, as a coach you can find enjoyment, then those being coached, at any change, will enjoy their participation as well," explains Kinder.

The Guernsey man is very keen to remember all those who have helped him on his journey, "There are very many people to thank for this award. To the ECB CA, Sky Sports, ICC Europe, to the Guernsey Cricket Board and also to my wife, who has had to put up with me, the many absences and unsocial hours over what seems an eternity. However, even after a few quieter weeks, I cannot wait to start again," declares Kinder.

As a part of receiving the honour, Kinder was presented with his award by David Lloyd at the Kia Oval during an England match over the summer of 2011.

"The day at the Oval, despite the weather, was tremendous and to receive an award, together with your peers, in such an environment and from such a character such as Bumble was the icing on the cake," added Kinder.