Perth Stadium

Perth Stadium - Venue

Perth Stadium

  • Download the official T20 World Cup App for live scores, interactive polls and match day info
  • The Fan Zone opens at 4pm on 22nd, 25th and 27th October. On 30th October opening time is 12pm.
  • Gates open 1 hour and 30 minutes before the start of the Match.
  • All spectators, including children, will be subject to bag search and scanning using a Handheld Metal Detector prior to entry

Wheelchair and accessible seating along with carer and companion seating is available throughout the venue for all matches and can be purchased online via or via the Ticketing Contact Centre.

Perth stadium offers wheelchair and accessible seating throughout the stadium on all levels with flexible seats for carers and guests. There 450 wheelchair positions, 327 enhanced amenity seating and over 60 universal accessible toilets.

Changing Places are also available and offer a clean and private facility. The changing places include height adjustable adult sized bench, mobile hoist system, space for two careers and electric doors. Two changing places are located within the stadium.

Accessible parking is available and a pass will be issued via email.

Perth stadium is a cashless venue. All food and venue outlets accept payment by card only. Patrons with cash will be able to exchange their cash for a cash card. Cash exchange points are located around the stadium where cash cards can be purchased and topped up at these points. The cash card can then be used for your purchase.

There are five parenting rooms within Perth Stadium each room equipped with a microwave, changing tables and comfort chairs for feeding. Doors are automated for easy entry with prams. Ask your nearest staff member at the ground for directions.

Breastfeeding is of course permitted anywhere throughout the stadium and parents can utilise baby change rooms for this purpose too.

Perth Stadium stands on the traditional land of the Whadjuk people of the Noongar nation.

Please stay home if you are unwell or experiencing COVID-19 symptoms.

Patrons are welcome to wear a face mask when arriving at, moving around, and exiting the venue to protect yourself and others.

Please wash or sanitise your hands regularly, and cover coughs and sneezes. There are the hand sanitiser stations available around the venue.

You may bring a small esky or cooler bag to the venue, but it must be smaller than H:35cm, W:20cm, L:30cm to fit under your seat.

Please read the Restricted and Prohibited Items section below to ensure any food and drink you bring is permitted into the venue.

First aid services are available to all patrons and medical crew will be present inside and outside the stadium. Please ask a member of staff for assistance if you require medical attention.

All lost property that is found or handed in will be retained for 30 days by the stadium. Any property that remains unclaimed after this time will be donated to local charities.

Merchandise will be available from a number of outlets inside and outside the venue. Please ask a member of staff or a volunteer to direct you to the nearest one.

Ticket Pass outs will be permitted at all T20WC venues on all match days.*

Each ticketholder must have their ticket scanned out at the time they exit the venue. Ticket holders must retain their valid Match-day ticket as they will be required to scan their ticket to exit and again to re-enter.

If a ticketholder tries to re-enter the venue and their ticket has not first been scanned out, they may be denied entry back into the venue.

All ticket holders re-entering the venue will be required to go through and pass the full security check again before re-entry.

*Pass outs will be issued at the discretion of the T20WC or Venue management. Read the full Ticket Passout Policy

Don’t forget to use the Aramco Recycling machines to dispose of your plastic waste. Aramco & ICC will recycle these into clothing. Look for them around the venue. If an Aramco machine cannot be located, please follow the Stadium Waste signage for the correct bin to place rubbish in to.

Please bring only what you need to enjoy a day at the cricket and leave the following common items at home, as you will not be permitted to bring them into the venue. Prohibited items include:

  • Metal cans or glass bottles
  • Large banners and large flag sticks that are over 1.6m in length
  • Balls, including cricket balls
  • Musical instruments, including whistles, horns, vuvuzelas and megaphones (unless previously arranged and approved)
  • Eskies and cooler bags larger than H:35cm, W:20cm, L:30cm
  • Alcohol
  • Any food or non-alcoholic drinks other than small amounts for personal consumption

For a full list of Prohibited & Restricted Behaviour and Items refer to the Ticket Terms and Conditions

The safety and security of fans, teams and staff is of paramount importance to the ICC. All spectators, including children, will be subject to bag search and scanning using a Handheld Metal Detector prior to entry. Persons who refuse to participate may be denied entry.

Please arrive early and be patient with our staff while they work to ensure we all have a safe and enjoyable day.

Any person having entered the Stadium and found to be in possession of a Prohibited or Restricted Item, shall have such item confiscated and may be asked to leave the Venue.

Smoking and vaping anywhere within the venue is prohibited. Patrons wishing to smoke or vape must scan their ticket to exit and stand at least 5m from the perimeter fenceline

Umbrellas are permitted into the Venue but, for the comfort of others, must not be raised in the seating bowl or concourse areas during play.

Free spectator Wi-Fi is available throughout the venue.

Perth Stadium and the surrounding park is located east of the Perth CBD, on the Burswood Peninsula. With views of the picturesque Swan River and Perth city in the west and the foothills in the east, this 60,000-seat, world-class, multi-purpose stadium hosts a variety of sports and entertainment events including Australian Football League, international and Big Bash League cricket, soccer, rugby league and union plus concerts. The stadium officially opened on 21 January 2018.