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Reebok Hit the Stump Competition

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Cricket fans attending matches at the ICC Champions Trophy will have an opportunity to win up to R100,000 (US $13,000 approximately).

All you have to do is hit one stump from the boundary, during the competition, and you could be in with a chance to win fantastic prizes provided by Reebok.

Full details on the competition are listed below and remember that you have to be in attendance at matches to enter the competition.


You have to be at the game in South Africa. After entering the ground, complete all your details on your ticket, tear it in half and place your entry in the bins at the ground. Brand ambassadors will be on hand to assist and ensure you keep the part of your ticket required to give you access to your seat. Three lucky fans will be drawn at the break to throw for one stump with four chances to win a cash prize.

Terms and conditions apply. (1) No professionally paid sports persons (2) No underarm rolling of ball
(3) More than one person hitting the stump from the boundary will result in a winner-takes-all throw-off at the final game (4) Substitution is allowed for young kids or elderly entrants as long as they meet the substitution criteria of clause (1) above.

  1. Hit ONE stump from the boundary
    WIN an instant Reebok prize PLUS
    QUALIFY for a throw-off at
    the final match to
    WIN R100 000!

  2. Hit ONE stump from the circle
    WIN R10 000

  3. Hit ONE stump
    from edge of the pitch
    WIN R1000

  4. Miss completely
    WIN Selected Prizes